Install Docker on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Docker is an open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container. Docker containers wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything you can install on a server.…

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MariaDB Galera Cluster on CentOS 7

MariaDB Galera Cluster is a combination of MariaDB Server and MySQL-wsrep patch from Codership. It is synchronous multi-master cluster available on for Linux/Unix environment and only supports InnoDB/XtraDB storage engines. This article talks about setup of MariaDB Galera Cluster 10.1 on Centos 7.2 in a HA (High Availability) Cluster. The…

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Password expiration policy in MySQL Server 5.7.17

Password expiration enables database administrators to expire account passwords manually, and to establish a policy for automatic password expiration. It is one of the great feature. The table mysql.user has password_expired column. Its default value is ‘N’, but can be set to ‘Y’ with the new ALTER USER statement. There…

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Linux z commands: zcat, zcmp, zdiff, zgrep

Linux z commands are very useful commands. Some of the z command are temporally uncompress in /tmp directory to perform the operation. It gives a peace of mind, as you don’t have to worry about the overhead of uncompression. Z Commands Here’s the list of useful z commands. Open/View compressed…

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Configure Django applications with apache, wsgi and MySQL on CentOS 7

Django is popular Web framework for writing web applications. With django you can built faster and scalable applications, without writing the code from scratch (without reinventing the wheel). Web framework were design to aid programmer to create applications. These web framework are the core and takes care of functionalities like…

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Setup Django with MySQL on CentOS 7

Django is popular Web framework for writing web applications. With django you can built faster and scalable applications, without writing the code from scratch (without reinventing the wheel). Web framework were design to aid programmer to create applications. These web framework are the core and takes care of functionalities like…

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Install MySQL 5.7 and Python Connector on CentOS 7

MySQL is the most popular database management system used for powering web applications. MariaDB becomes the default database and MySQL is no longer available in CentOS 7. MariaDB is a drop in replacement for MySQL. In order to install MySQL, we have to install MySQL repository from site. Add…

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How to Install django on CentOS 7

Django is popular Web framework for writing web applications. With django you can built faster and scalable applications, without writing the code from scratch (without reinventing the wheel). Web framework were design to aid programmer to create applications. These web framework are the core and takes care of functionalities like…

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Install Python3 and pip3 on CentOS 7

CentOS 7 still have Python 2.7 as the default tool. EPEL repository comes up with Python 3. Thanks to EPEL repo. Here’s the way to setup Python 3 and pip3 on CentOS environment. Install python34 and python-pip package. [root@cms ~]# yum install python34 python-pip Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds…

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Disable Selinux on CentOS 7

Selinux stands for Secutiry-Enahanced Linux ( Selinux is a Linux kernel security module that provides a mechanism for supporting access control security policies. A Linux kernel integrating SELinux enforces mandatory access control policies that confine user programs’ and system servers’ access to files and network resources. Some times for testing…

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